Self Love & Relationships


The Mission

The mission of Relatively Relating is to equip individuals with self-love tools that empower them to show up as their better selves and create more fulfilling relationships. 

I aim to share thought-provoking conversations that deal with some of the sticky matters of emotional landscape and relationship dynamics that we tend to overlook.

Get to Know Me

Hi! I’m Aiesha, self-love enthusiast with a long-time interest in the ways people interact with one another.

Although, I’ve pondered the inner workings of myself since childhood, my journey intentionally began during one of the most challenging transitions of my adult life. Picking myself up again involved a lot of introspection, facing personal truths, and a healthy dose of accountability… because self-love sometimes requires tough love.

The craziest part of that experience was learning how blind I was to my own mental and emotional processes. I began to understand that the way we show up for ourselves affects the way we show up in relationships with others. I realized the tools I was gaining were not so common sense, but a conscious practice to see yourself.

Advocacy for emotional health has become my passion, as well as sharing thoughts and lessons with others.

If you’re looking for simple tips on deeper self-awareness, richer self-love, and better-connected relationships, you’ve arrived at the right place.

I’m happy you’re here!